
Coronavirus COVID-19 (Formerly known as 2019-nCoV)

Nevada’s Response to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public and Behavioral Health (DPBH) are closely monitoring the outbreak of respiratory illness caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19), first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.

Thousands of cases have been confirmed in China with additional cases identified in other international locations and the United States.

Nevada does not have any confirmed cases of COVID-19 and the data provided below will be updated weekly. All data are provisional and subject to change as we continue our investigation.

    Test Results for Persons Under Investigation (PUI)*

    Last updated 3/3/2020, 5:40 PM





    *According to the latest CDC guidelines, PUI are individuals with COVID-19 symptoms—but not necessarily the virus—who may have been exposed through close contact with a confirmed case, travel to an affected region (e.g., China, Iran, Italy, Japan, or South Korea), or who have severe respiratory illness requiring hospitalization with no more likely diagnosis and no source of exposure has been identified.

    **Persons who have tested negative for COVID-19 and for whom no further follow up is needed.

    Individuals under Public Health Supervision (PUM)*

    Last updated 3/3/2020, 5:40 PM



    PUM who have completed monitoring without developing symptoms or were determined to have no risk


    *Individuals under Public Health Supervision (also known as persons under monitoring or “PUM”) include travelers from an affected region referred to local health districts for monitoring or individuals who may have had close contact with a traveler. Sources include the CDC’s Division of Global Migration and Quarantine and travelers who have voluntarily contacted local health districts upon arrival in Nevada.

    These individuals are not exhibiting symptoms consistent with COVID-19.

      For the most up-to-date information, please see the links below:

      This page will be updated periodically as more information becomes available. All the documents below are available for use and distribution in the related fields.

        Nevada Monitoring and Guidance Efforts

        Documents on this site will be updated to reflect current recommendations and guidance for management of cases of COVID-19 and persons under investigation for possible infection with COVID-19. Current information on the virus can always be found on the CDC’s website at: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html.



        State health officials will create technical bulletins as information changes or becomes available. These bulletins will be posted below:

        Health care providers should refer to the CDC’s Health Alert Network (HAN) notifications and DPBH’s technical bulletins. For additional information on subscribing to these alerts, please visit the DPBH HAN web page.


        Local health authorities are also monitoring and providing information related to novel coronavirus. The links below will take you to information from:

        Travel Resources

        The links below provide guidance and information for those who have recently traveled to China.

        Home Care Resources

        The documents below have been created to provide Nevadans with guidance for home isolation, self-monitoring and general prevention steps.

        Health Care Facilities

        The documents below have been created to help Nevada health care facilities with guidance for infection prevention, facility preparedness, and patient evaluation.

        Health Departments

        The documents below have been prepared to help local health departments with novel coronavirus issues.


        The document below will help school districts prepare for a possible novel coronavirus issue.

        Information for Businesses

        The information provided will assist businesses and employers in their response to novel coronavirus.