Test & Trace: Data | NYC Health + Hospitals

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Test & Trace: Data

As of June 13, 2020:

Metric Cumulative %
Total cases1 (net new + presumed positive) 5,347 na
Cases w/o accurate phone # – information gathering team2 pursuing 818 15%
Total cases with phone numbers (% of total) 4,529 85%
Total number of cases reached (i.e., live conversation) (% of # with phones) 4,251 94%
Cases that Gave Contacts3 [number of cases of net new cases with >0 contact]: 1,866
Total contacts elicited 4,421 na
Contacts w/o accurate phone # – information gathering team pursuing 1,593 36%
Total contacts with phone numbers (% of total) 2,828 64%
Total number of contacts reached (i.e., live conversation) (% of # with phones) 2,299 81%
# Symptomatic contacts 4 331
Cases/Contacts participating/participated in active monitoring 4,265 65%
Resource Navigator5 referrals completed 1,057
Cases/Contacts Arrived at Hotel6 40

Case1: a person with a positive laboratory diagnostic test for COVID-19

Information gathering team2: team whose purpose is to use internet-based searches and outreach to providers to find missing phone numbers

Contacts3: a person with a potential exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19 through interaction with a person with the infection

Symptomatic contact4: a person who is a contact who experiences symptoms consistent with COVID-19 within 14 days of exposure to a person with COVID-19

Resource Navigator5: A community member who calls cases and contacts to help connect them with services like food and medications so that they can safely separate at home.

Hotel6: At a Take Care hotel, people have their own bed and bathroom as well as three meals a day so that they can safely separate from loved ones.