Someone's risk for COVID-19 is closely tied to their recent travel history, and the travel histories of their immediate contacts — specifically, travel to areas with community transmission of COVID-19 or close contact with a person confirmed to have COVID-19. Remember that interaction with someone who had contact with someone who has confirmed COVID-19 does not pose a risk if that contact is not sick. One of the most important messages for us to remember is that someone’s nationality alone is not a risk factor for COVID-19.
General guidance and information
If you have traveled anywhere internationally in the last 14 days, self-quarantine for 14 days. That means do not go to work or school and stay at home.
Avoid all crowded places, large events, and mass gatherings. However, people should continue doing essential errands (such as going to the grocery store).
Through March 30th, there will be no on-site food consumption for restaurants, bars, coffee shops, or other food establishments in Rhode Island. (Establishments with a food license can continue to conduct pick-up, drive-thru and delivery only.)
Whenever possible, avoid close personal contact with people in public. When greeting people avoid handshakes and hugs.
To prevent infection with COVID-19, the CDC recommends frequent handwashing with soap and warm water; coughing and sneezing into your elbow or a tissue; avoid touching mouth, nose, and eyes; and if you are sick, stay at home.more
There are many respiratory illnesses circulating in Rhode Island, such as the flu and the common cold. Having respiratory symptoms does not mean that you have COVID-19. People are at higher risk for COVID-19 if they have symptoms of COVID-19 (cough, fever, shortness of breath) AND if they were a contact of a confirmed positive case of COVID-19 (or have traveled to country with community transmission).
Someone is considered a contact if they have had direct, face-to-face contact with a person with COVID-19. Testing can only be done on individuals who have symptoms that are consistent with COVID-19 and who have had contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 or travel history to a country with ongoing community spread of COVID-19. Testing individuals with no symptoms or history of travel is not recommended by CDC.
Separate yourself from other people in your home. As much as possible, you should stay in a different room from other people in your home. Also, you should use a separate bathroom, if available.
People who think they have COVID-19 should call their healthcare provider. These people should NOT go directly to a healthcare facility without calling a healthcare provider (unless they are experiencing a medical emergency).
People with general questions about COVID-19 can call 401-222-8022.