Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) updates and information
COVID-19 in South Dakota | Community Impact Map | News
Precautions to Avoid Illness | If You Develop Symptoms
Community Guidance and Resources
Businesses Impacted by COVID-19
For Medical Providers | SD Healthcare Provider Guidance
CDC Healthcare Provider Guidance | CDC Website
The South Dakota Department of Health (SD-DOH) continues to respond to the emergence of the novel coronavirus. We are working with the CDC and our healthcare partners across the state to protect South Dakotans from COVID-19.
Updates include:
- South Dakota FAQs: Recommendations, testing information, healthcare readiness, effects and symptoms.
- What Should I Do? Infographic
- The number of cases and countries with infections worldwide is increasing and can be found on the WHO website.
- Case counts and other information about the novel coronavirus can be found on the CDC website.
- Travelers returning from High Risk Countries (See CDC Travel Advisories) should self-monitor for 14 days for novel coronavirus symptoms (e.g., fever, cough, or shortness of breath) and call their medical provider to discuss their symptoms.
COVID-19 in South Dakota
On March 4, 2020, CDC updated the clinical criteria for testing a symptomatic individual after evaluation by their healthcare provider. As a result, the South Dakota Department of Health (SD-DOH) expects the number of persons under investigation (PUI) being tested for COVID-19 to increase.
The number of PUI being tested does not reflect the level of risk to the public in the state. For more information about the outbreak, potential risks, and protective recommendations, visit the SD-DOH website or CDC website.
This table shows the total number of positive COVID-19 cases in South Dakota residents, the total number of persons that tested negative, and the total number of PUIs that are pending results.
Test Results | # of Cases |
Positive* |
28 |
Negative** |
762 |
Pending*** |
265 |
*Positive test results are no longer required to be sent to the CDC for confirmation. |
Number of Cases |
28 |
Deaths |
1 |
Recovered |
6 |
County | # of Cases |
Beadle |
12 |
Bon Homme |
1 |
Brown |
1 |
Charles Mix |
1 |
Codington |
1 |
Davison |
2 |
Hughes |
1 |
Lyman |
1 |
McCook |
2 |
Minnehaha |
5 |
Pennington |
1 |
Age Range | # of Cases |
0 to 19 years |
2 |
20 to 29 years |
3 |
30 to 39 years |
4 |
40 to 49 years |
4 |
50 to 59 years |
8 |
60 to 69 years |
6 |
70 to 79 years |
1 |
80+ years |
0 |
Sex | # of Cases |
Male |
17 |
Female |
11 |
These tables will be updated by noon every day.
Last updated: 9:00 am; March 23, 2020
Community Impact Map
Everyone has a role to play to get ready, stay healthy, and protect yourself, your family, and your community from COVID-19. The goal is to slow the spread of COVID-19 to reduce illness and death, while minimizing disruptions to daily life.
What does “community mitigation” mean?
Any actions that individuals, schools, businesses, and health care facilities take to slow the spread of the infection.
CDC has developed steps that can be taken based on the level of COVID-19 spread in the community. As more COVID-19 is spread in a community, additional preventive steps can be taken. Community spread is defined as three levels:
- None: COVID-19 cases may occur in the community, but there is NO community transmission.
- Minimal to Moderate: There is a single case of community-acquired COVID-19 in a county.
- Substantial: There are five or more cases of community-acquired COVID-19 in a county or a distinct group of cases in a single area (e.g., city or county).
NOTE: this data is best viewed on a desktop or laptop computer.
- March 23, 2020 - Press Conference
- Governor Noem and Secretary of Health Kim Malsam-Rysdon provide an update on COVID-19 response efforts in South Dakota.
- March 22, 2020 - Press Conference
- Governor Noem and Secretary of Health Kim Malsam-Rysdon provide an update on COVID-19 response efforts in South Dakota.
- March 19, 2020 - Press Conference
- March 18, 2020 - COVID-19 Briefing for Municipalities and Counties
- March 17, 2020 - Press Conference
- Governor Noem and state officials provide updates on COVID-19 response efforts.
- March 16, 2020 - Press Conference
- Governor Noem and state officials provide updates on COVID-19 response efforts including support for small businesses.
- March 16, 2020 - COVID-19 Guidance to Childcare Facilities (DSS)
- March 13, 2020 - Press Conference
- Governor Noem announces additional COVID-19 response efforts including declaring a state of emergency, recommending school closures for the week of March 16, nursing home visitation restrictions, and an executive order for state employee remote work.
- March 12, 2020 - Press Conference
- Governor Noem and Health Department Officials provide an update on South Dakota’s COVID-19 response.
- March 10, 2020 - Press Conference
- Governor Noem, Health Department officials announce South Dakota’s first presumptive positive cases of COVID-1
- March 5, 2020 - Update Webinar for Healthcare Providers | Slides
- March 4, 2020 - Informational Briefing for Senate Health and Human Services Committee
- February 27, 2020 - South Dakota Prepares for COVID-19
Precautions to avoid illness
What can you do?
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
- Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Refraining from touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Clean frequently touched surfaces and objects.
- Individuals at higher risk for severe COVID-19 illness, such as older adults and people who have chronic medical conditions like heart, lung or kidney disease, should take actions to reduce your risk of exposure.
- Create a family plan to prepare for COVID-19 and develop a stay at home kit with food, water, medication, and other necessary items.
Cleaning and Disinfection Recommendations:
South Dakota’s healthcare system is prepared to identify and treat cases of COVID-19.
If you develop symptoms:
- Call your health care provider immediately and tell them about any recent travel or exposure.
- Individuals who are concerned that they have COVID-19 should contact their healthcare provider via phone before going to a clinic or hospital to prevent spread in healthcare facilities.
- Avoid contact with other people.
- Follow the directions of your healthcare provider and public health officials.
- CDC Symptoms and Testing Guidance.
Find Federally Qualified Health Centers in South Dakota - community-based primary care services in underserved areas providing care on a sliding fee scale based on ability to pay.
Self-Quarantine, Self-Isolation, and Self-Monitoring:
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Guidance:
CDC does not recommend that people who are well wear a facemask to protect themselves from respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19. You should only wear a mask if a healthcare professional recommends it. A facemask should be used by people who have COVID-19 and are showing symptoms. This is to protect others from the risk of getting infected. The use of facemasks also is crucial for health workers and other people who are taking care of someone infected with COVID-19 in close settings (at home or in a health care facility).
Community Guidance & Resources
Guidance from the CDC is available for:
Behavioral Health
- Taking Care of Your Behavioral Health: Tips for Social Distancing, Quarantine, and Isolation (SAMHSA)
- Handling COVID-19 Anxiety & Stress (CDC)
- Implementation of Mitigation Strategies for Communities with Local COVID-19 Transmission (CDC)
- Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection Recommendations (CDC)
- Talking with Children About Coronavirus Disease (CDC)
- South Dakota Community Mitigation Guidance
Retirement and Independent Living Facilities
- Plan, Prepare, and Respond (CDC)
- Interim Guidance on Preventing the Spread of COVID-19 (CDC)
- Preparedness Checklist for Nursing Homes and other Long-Term Care Settings (CDC)
- CDC Guidance: Considerations for School Closure
- COVID-19 and Schools: Information for School Administrators and Nurses
Businesses and Employers
- Workplace and Employer Resources & Recommendations
- Families First Coronavirus Response Act: What does it mean for employers? A summary of how some of the key provisions like Emergency Family and Medical Leave (FLMA) Expansion Act and Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act impact employers.
- Employee Screening Questions and Guidelines: questions to ask employees reporting to work and guidance to help reduce the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19.
- COVID-19 Daily Screening Log: a resource for employers to track symptoms of employees reporting to work.
- Resources from other State Agencies
Are you a business impacted by COVID-19?
Governor Kristi Noem announced Friday, March 20, 2020 that small businesses and non-profit organizations in South Dakota that have been negatively impacted by the global COVID-19 virus are now eligible for economic assistance from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).
Visit GOED’s website at or call 605-773-4633.
- March 20, 2020 - SBA Approves Economic Injury Disaster Loan Fund Program Access for South Dakota
- March 16, 2020 - Governor Noem Works to Activate Small Business Administration’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan Fund Program in South Dakota
information for Medical Providers
- Medical providers who are concerned a patient may be infected with COVID-19 should:
- Mask the patient
- Isolate the Patient in a private room or separate area, and
- Contact with SD-DOH (800-592-1861) immediately for consultation and guidance
- Clinicians are strongly encouraged to test for other infectious causes of respiratory illness, such as influenza and RSV. Note: Asymptomatic patients are not eligible for testing at the SD Public Health Laboratory.
High-priority specimens for testing include:
Clinical Features | Risk Exposure | |
Fever OR Cough OR Shortness of Breath | -Individuals who are hospitalized OR -Persons in institutional settings (long-term care facilities, assisted living centers, etc.) | |
Fever OR Cough OR Sore Throat OR Shortness of Breath | -Healthcare workers and first responders | |
SD Guidance for Healthcare Providers
- Guidance on specimen collection and testing, infection control practices, and other considerations are available at:
- SD-HAN 20-007: Guidance on Evaluating Persons for COVID-19 Infection (Updates SD-HAN 20-003)
- SD-HAN 20-006: Healthcare Facility Checklist
- SD-HAN 20-005: CDC COCA Call
- SD-HAN 20-004: Webinar for Healthcare
- SD-HAN 20-003: Evaluating Persons for COVID-19
- SD-HAN 20-002: Monitoring and Movement Guidance on Novel Coronavirus
- CDC Clinician Call: What Clinicians Need to Know to Prepare for COVID-19
- CDC HAN 427: Updated and Interim Guidance on Outbreak of 2019 Novel Coronavirus
- CMS: Guidance for Infection Control and Prevention of COVID-19 in nursing homes (Revised 03/13/20)
- CMS: COVID-19 Emergency Declaration - Healthcare Providers Fact Sheet (03/13/20)
- SARS-CoV-2 Laboratory Requisition and PUI Evaluation Form (3/13/2020)
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) optimization strategies: Provides options for extended use, reprocessing, and reuse of the various PPE components given current shortages of PPE being reported in many areas of the country.
- Public Health reminder: CDC urges healthcare facilities and clinicians to delay and reschedule elective ambulatory visits, surgeries and admissions, and routine dental and eye care to preserve staff, personal protective equipment, and patient care supplies, ensure staff and patient safety, and expand available hospital capacity during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Cleaning and Disinfecting 3M Powered Air Purifying Respirators following Potential Exposure to Coronaviruses
- South Dakota Public Health Lab website
- Archived COVID-19 Conference Calls
- SD-DOH would like to remind medical providers, hospitals, and laboratories that cases of COVID-19, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, are considered immediately reportable in South Dakota (under Coronavirus Respiratory syndromes).
Important LISTSERVs for Healthcare Providers
The Department of Health maintains a variety of LISTSERVs that provide useful information on COVID-19, including current guidance and scheduled calls.
- Health Alert Network
- Laboratory LISTSERV
- Healthcare-associated Infections LISTSERV
- Office of Licensure and Certification LISTSERV
Governor Noem is reaching out to our state’s licensed medical professionals (physicians, nurses, EMTs, etc.) who are willing to volunteer their services during this COVID-19 pandemic through the Department of Health’s Statewide Emergency Registry of Volunteers in South Dakota (SERV SD). SERV SD coordinates the pre-registration of medical and health care professionals who may be willing to volunteer in the event of an emergency.
Whether you work in a health field or not, active or retired, if you have an interest in assisting your community or state during the COVID-19 pandemic, we invite you to join SERV SD. SERV SD will create a database of medical and health care volunteers who can be mobilized immediately in response to an emergency. Participation in a deployment opportunity is optional. You may decide at the time a call is made to volunteer if you are willing and able to respond.
Registering with SERV SD is easy. Go to
CDC Guidance for Healthcare Providers
CDC issued guidance to healthcare facilities in the event that illness is identified.
- Evaluating and reporting persons under investigation
- Healthcare infection control guidance
- Clinical care guidance
- Home care guidance
- Guidance for EMS
- Healthcare personnel with potential exposure guidance
- Inpatient Obstetrics Care
- Disposition of patients with novel coronavirus
- Collection and testing of postmortem samples