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For more information about the 2019 Novel Coronavirus situation, please visit our COVID-19 page.

2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19)

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Get Information by Phone or Text

If you have questions about what is happening in Washington, or how the virus is spread, please call 1-800-525-0127 and press # from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., seven days a week. Language assistance is available. Please note that this call center cannot access COVID-19 testing results. For testing inquiries or results, please contact your health care provider.

You may also text the word “Coronavirus” to 211211 to receive the latest information on COVID-19, including county-level updates, and resources for families, businesses, students, and more.

If you are seeking information about what constitutes an “Essential Business" or to report a suspected violation of Governor’s Proclamation 20-25: Stay Home – Stay Healthy, visit the website for assistance. The Department of Health will not respond to these inquires or submissions.

Current Status in Washington State

The Department of Health and Microsoft's AI for Health team have partnered together to provide these interactive data dashboards. Simple data summary tables are also available below.

4/24: Downloadable data are now available again. Data have been adjusted and are no longer presented by day. Data are now presented for cases and deaths by week by county and age.​
4/21: Preliminary data on total hospitalizations for COVID-19 confirmed cases (PDF) are now available. The data represent cumulative counts for hospitalizations and are presented by admission date, date of illness onset, age, sex, and race/ethnicity. 


Website Last Updated 4:30 PM 04/27/2020
Data shown as of previous day at 11:59 pm PT.


Confirmed Cases / Deaths by County

County Confirmed Cases Deaths
Adams 46 0
Asotin 17 1
Benton 409 38
Chelan 93 5
Clallam 15 0
Clark 308 18
Columbia 1 0
Cowlitz 39 0
Douglas 75 1
Ferry 1 0
Franklin 256 5
Garfield 0 0
Grant 152 2
Grays Harbor 12 0
Island 164 9
Jefferson 28 0
King 5,945 416
Kitsap 147 2
Kittitas 14 0
Klickitat 16 3
Lewis 29 3
Lincoln 2 0
Mason 23 1
Okanogan 20 1
Pacific 4 0
Pend Oreille 2 0
Pierce 1,263 47
San Juan 14 0
Skagit 305 11
Skamania 3 0
Snohomish 2,332 106
Spokane 347 20
Stevens 9 1
Thurston 100 1
Wahkiakum 2 0
Walla Walla 55 0
Whatcom 287 28
Whitman 14 0
Yakima 1,034 45
Unassigned 103 1
Total 13,686 765

Number of Individuals Tested

Result Number of Individuals Tested Percent of Tests
Negative 165,993 92%
Positive 13,686 8%

Patients Hospitalized and in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) with Laboratory-Confirmed COVID‑19

Date Hospitals Reporting Total Patients Hospitalized with COVID‑19 Total Patients in the ICU with COVID‑19
4/20/2020 88 543 161
4/21/2020 81 544 151
4/22/2020 83 551 164
4/23/2020 82 523 192
4/24/2020 76 506 150
4/25/2020 52 537 115
4/26/2020 50 436 158

Every day, acute care hospitals in Washington report the number of lab confirmed COVID-19 cases in their hospital and in their intensive care unit (ICU) to the Washington Department of Health (DOH). The numbers in the columns represent the total hospitals reporting, total number of patients hospitalized, and in the ICU with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 at the hospitals reporting on that day.

The number of hospitals reporting varies on a day-to-day basis, so counts are not directly comparable from day to day. There are 92 acute care hospitals in Washington, excluding our two military hospitals. Behavioral health hospitals are not included in these data.

DOH receives data through partnerships with the Northwest Healthcare Response Network, for Western Washington, the Regional Emergency and Disaster (REDi) Healthcare Coalition, for Eastern Washington, and the Region IV Healthcare Preparedness Alliance, for Southwest Washington, and the Washington State Hospital Association.

Confirmed Cases / Deaths by Age

Age Group Percent of Cases Percent of Deaths
0-19 4% 0%
20-39 29% 1%
40-59 34% 8%
60-79 24% 38%
80+ 10% 53%
Unknown 0% 0%

Confirmed Cases / Deaths by Gender

Sex at Birth Percent of Cases Percent of Deaths
Female 52% 43%
Male 46% 56%
Unknown 2% 1%

Confirmed Cases by Race/Ethnicity

Race/Ethnicity Confirmed Cases Percent of Cases *Out of total with reported race/ethnicity Percent of Total WA Population
Hispanic 2,543 29% 13%
Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native 113 1% 1%
Non-Hispanic Asian 857 10% 9%
Non-Hispanic Black 603 7% 4%
Non-Hispanic White 4,250 49% 68%
Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 144 2% 1%
Non-Hispanic Multiracial 1 0% 4%
Non-Hispanic Other Race 172 2% NA
Total with Race/Ethnicity Available 8,683 100%
Unknown Race/Ethnicity (Percent out of Total Cases) 5,003 37% NA
Total Number of Cases 13,686 100%

* Out of total with reported race/ethnicity

Deaths by Race/Ethnicity

Race/Ethnicity Deaths Percent of Deaths *Out of total with reported race/ethnicity Percent of Total WA Population
Hispanic 50 8% 13%
Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native 7 1% 1%
Non-Hispanic Asian 68 10% 9%
Non-Hispanic Black 19 3% 4%
Non-Hispanic White 495 74% 68%
Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 4 1% 1%
Non-Hispanic Multiracial 9 1% 4%
Non-Hispanic Other Race 14 2% NA
Total with Race/Ethnicity Available 666 100%
Unknown Race/Ethnicity (Percent out of Total Deaths) 99 13% NA
Total Number of Deaths 765 100%

* Out of total with reported race/ethnicity

Note on the county and unassigned data: This data changes rapidly as labs conduct tests and discover new cases. Labs assign those cases to a county. Counties or the Department of Health then determine the appropriate county of jurisdiction. Those don’t always match initially. We’re working to reduce the “unassigned” number to 0. Contact the local health department for county specific information.

Note on the deaths: Some deaths may be reported by health care providers, medical examiners/coroners, local health departments, or others before they are included in the statewide count. It takes longer for the state to announce deaths because they are often reported first to the local health department and then to us.

Note on the number of infections: Public health experts agree that the true number of people who have been infected with COVID-19 in Washington greatly exceeds the number of COVID-19 infections that have been laboratory-confirmed. It is very difficult to know exactly how many people in Washington have been infected to date since most people with COVID-19 experience mild illness and the ability to get tested is still not widely available.

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