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For more information about the 2019 Novel Coronavirus situation, please visit our COVID-19 page.

2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19)

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Get Information by Phone or Text

If you have questions about what is happening in Washington, or how the virus is spread, please call 1-800-525-0127 and press # from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday - Friday, and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday - Sunday. Language assistance is available. Please note that this call center cannot access COVID-19 testing results. For testing inquiries or results, please contact your health care provider.

Text the word “Coronavirus” to 211211 to receive the latest information on COVID-19, including county-level updates, and resources for families, businesses, students, and more.

If you're seeking information about what constitutes an “Essential Business" or to report a suspected violation of Governor’s Proclamation 20-25: Stay Home – Stay Healthy (PDF), visit the website for assistance. The Department of Health will not respond to these inquires or submissions.

Current Status in Washington State

The Department of Health and Microsoft's AI for Health team have partnered to create these interactive data dashboards. Simple data summary tables are also available.

Website Last Updated 4:50 P.M. 07/01/2020
Data shown as of previous day at 11:59 pm PT.

Find detailed information on Washington State's COVID-19 data

See Dashboard

Summary Data Tables

Confirmed Cases, Hospitalizations and Deaths by County
County Confirmed Cases Hospitalizations Deaths
Adams 142 9 0
Asotin 21 1 2
Benton 1,798 229 82
Chelan 347 19 6
Clallam 36 3 0
Clark 749 106 30
Columbia 8 2 0
Cowlitz 187 20 0
Douglas 242 12 3
Ferry 1 0 0
Franklin 1,697 164 33
Garfield 0 0 0
Grant 511 48 6
Grays Harbor 26 8 0
Island 193 33 12
Jefferson 38 8 0
King 10,304 1,807 612
Kitsap 225 32 2
Kittitas 131 5 0
Klickitat 59 8 3
Lewis 68 14 3
Lincoln 4 0 0
Mason 51 5 1
Okanogan 85 5 2
Pacific 17 2 1
Pend Oreille 4 0 0
Pierce 2,590 417 104
San Juan 19 1 0
Skagit 527 56 15
Skamania 5 2 0
Snohomish 3,535 611 171
Spokane 1,389 134 41
Stevens 18 5 1
Thurston 261 37 7
Wahkiakum 5 0 0
Walla Walla 170 14 3
Whatcom 635 57 40
Whitman 38 1 0
Yakima 7,128 522 159
Unassigned 171 5 0
Total 33,435 4,402 1,339
Number of Individuals Tested
Result Individuals Tested Percent of Tests
Negative 538,529 94%
Positive 33,435 6%
Confirmed Cases, Hospitalizations and Deaths by Age
Age Group Percent of Cases Percent of Hospitalizations Percent of Deaths
0-19 9% 1% 0%
20-39 36% 12% 1%
40-59 31% 28% 9%
60-79 17% 39% 39%
80+ 7% 21% 51%
Unknown 0% 0% 0%
Confirmed Cases, Hospitalizations and Deaths by Gender
Sex at Birth Percent of Cases Percent of Hospitalizations Percent of Deaths
Female 51% 45% 46%
Male 47% 54% 53%
Unknown 3% 2% 1%
COVID-19 Confirmed Cases by Race/Ethnicity
Race/Ethnicity Confirmed Cases Percent of Cases *Out of total with reported race/ethnicity Percent of Total WA Population
Total Number of Cases 33,435 100%
Unknown Race/Ethnicity (Percent out of Total Cases) 9,236 28% NA
Total with Race/Ethnicity Available 24,199 100%
Hispanic 10,717 44% 13%
Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native 431 2% 1%
Non-Hispanic Asian 1,416 6% 9%
Non-Hispanic Black 1,366 6% 4%
Non-Hispanic White 8,493 35% 68%
Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 747 3% 1%
Non-Hispanic Multiracial 479 2% 4%
Non-Hispanic Other Race 550 2% NA

* Out of total with reported race/ethnicity

Every day, acute care hospitals in Washington are reporting the number of patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 in their hospital to the Department of Health.

As of May 20, the chart was updated to reflect that hospitals are now reporting the total number of COVID-19 patients ventilated rather than the total number of COVID-19 patients in the ICU. This change aligns the data hospitals submit to DOH with the data they’re required to report to federal agencies.

The numbers in the columns represent the total number of patients hospitalized with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 and both confirmed and suspected patients who were ventilated at those hospitals on that reporting day. The number of hospitals reporting varies on a day to day basis, so counts are not directly comparable from day to day.

Hospitals now report data through WA HEALTH, a new application developed in partnership with the Washington State Hospital Association. Previous hospitalization and ICU data were provided through partnerships with the Northwest Healthcare Response Network, for western Washington, the Regional Emergency and Disaster (REDi) Healthcare Coalition, for eastern Washington, and the Region IV Healthcare Preparedness Alliance, for southwest Washington, and the Washington State Hospital Association.

COVID-19 Confirmed Hospitalizations and Ventilations
Date Hospitals Reporting Total COVID-19 Patients Hospitalized Total COVID-19 Patients Ventilated
6/24/2020 98 272 49
6/25/2020 98 305 50
6/26/2020 101 304 58
6/27/2020 78 270 52
6/28/2020 77 282 50
6/29/2020 95 288 50
6/30/2020 92 311 57
COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity
Race/Ethnicity Hospitalization Count Percent of Hospitalizations * Out of total with reported race/ethnicity Percent of Total WA Population
Total Number of Hospitalizations 4,402 100%
Unknown Race/Ethnicity (Percent out of Total Hospitalizations) 1,194 27% NA
Total with Race/Ethnicity Available 3,208 100%
Hispanic 918 29% 13%
Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native 62 2% 1%
Non-Hispanic Asian 249 8% 9%
Non-Hispanic Black 184 6% 4%
Non-Hispanic White 1,589 50% 68%
Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 96 3% 1%
Non-Hispanic Multiracial 46 1% 4%
Non-Hispanic Other Race 64 2% NA

* Out of total with reported race/ethnicity

COVID-19 Deaths by Race/Ethnicity
Race/Ethnicity Deaths Percent of Deaths *Out of total with reported race/ethnicity Percent of Total WA Population
Total Number of Deaths 1,339 100%
Unknown Race/Ethnicity (Percent out of Total Deaths) 50 4% NA
Total with Race/Ethnicity Available 1,289 100%
Hispanic 162 13% 13%
Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native 21 2% 1%
Non-Hispanic Asian 111 9% 9%
Non-Hispanic Black 43 3% 4%
Non-Hispanic White 896 70% 68%
Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 12 1% 1%
Non-Hispanic Multiracial 16 1% 4%
Non-Hispanic Other Race 28 2% NA

* Out of total with reported race/ethnicity

Data Downloads

Data Notes

Effective July 1, 2020, DOH has added a downloadable table on the "Testing" tab that has individuals with positive and negative tests, and the percent of positive tests by county and day.

Death Reporting: 

Due to a data issue over the weekend, new deaths added June 29, 2020, include deaths reported from June 27-29.

Notes on testing:

  • Two important data issues continue to effect results presented on the testing tab. The first is that about ~8,000 negative lab results have not yet been entered into our data system. The second is that about 21% of negative test results do not have an assigned county. These two issues impact some counties disproportionately. Department of Health continues to work on a sustainable solution.
  • Regarding reporting for testing in general, the data presented is by number of individuals not by number of tests.  An individual is only counted one time in all graphics and tables. They are classified by their first positive test result, or their first negative if they never had a positive test.

Death Reporting June 17, 2020: 
Deaths are currently reported for anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19. The Department is working on changes to provide more context to death reporting and report death counts that reflect deaths where COVID-19 caused or contributed to the death. Beginning June 17th, we will be removing deaths from our daily counts where COVID-19 did not cause or contribute to the death.  We will continue to update death counts as additional information on cause of death is received. On June 17th, we removed 7 deaths (3 homicides, 2 suicides, and 2 overdoses).

Note on the deaths:
Some deaths may be reported by health care providers, medical examiners/coroners, local health departments, or others before they are included in the statewide count. It takes longer for the state to announce deaths because they are often reported first to the local health department and then to us.

Case Report Date, June 16, 2020:  
As of June 16, 2020, DOH switched from using the date a case was reported to the Department of Health to the date of an individual’s first positive lab result. This is a more accurate designation of case confirmation that will shift some case counts by date, most noticeably for cumulative case counts and graphics. This will affect less than 10% of the reported cases.

Note on the number of infections:
Public health experts agree that the true number of people who have been infected with COVID-19 in Washington greatly exceeds the number of COVID-19 infections that have been laboratory-confirmed. It is very difficult to know exactly how many people in Washington have been infected to date since most people with COVID-19 experience mild illness and the ability to get tested is still not widely available.

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